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Adult Learning Center

Adult Learning Center

What is the Adult Learning Center?

The Adult Learning Center offers many opportunities for educational growth for adults. The most frequently requested program prepares students to earn a high school equivalency diploma (formerly GED).

We also have  ESL (English as Second Language) classes and refresher classes in reading, math, and writing  for students enrolling in college or vocational training.  A basic literacy program benefits students who struggle with reading comprehension, math, and writing.   We partner with programs that help students in job searches and post-secondary educational goals. All classes are small with self-paced learning.  Our goal is to provide quality education for students who are seeking an opportunity for the betterment of their lives.   

HiSET & ESL Class Information

Contact Us


Coordinator:  Sandy Anderson

351 Stumpy Lane
Lebanon, TN 37090

Phone: (615) 443-8731