Hotline 615-444-3282, ext. 7316
Becky Adams
615-444-3282, ext. 7403
504 & Related Services Coordinator
Cindy Anderson
615-444-3282, ext. 7510
K-12 CDC Coordinator
Courtney Bunna
Lead Social Worker
Tracey Burge
615-444-3282, ext. 7428
Director of Special Education
Kelly Grime
Administrative Assistant
Abigail Kirsch
615-444-3282, ext. 7495
Pre-School - 5th Coordinator
Ellen Mattingly
Transition Services Specialist Grades 9-12
Lance McAllister
615-444-3282, ext. 7343
K-5 Lead Program Coordinator
Kendra Messenger
615-444-3282, ext. 7465
Amy Moshinsky
Special Education Secretary
Kasia Passaniti
615-444-3282, ext. 7287
Behavior Supports Lead Coordinator
Jennifer Roberts
615-444-3282, ext. 7466
K-12 CIP Coordinator
Emma Launsby
615-444-3282, ext 7339
Assistant Behavior Analyst
Julie Spies
615-444-3282, ext. 7286
Lead Psychologist
Suzanne Stringfield
615-758-5619, ext. 5019
Preschool & Non-Public Enrollment Specialist
Bryn Torrence
615-444-3282, ext. 7286
Occupational Therapist Lead
Dr. Thurman Tucker
615-444-3282, ext. 7288
6-12 Lead Program Coordinator
Devin Walker
615-444-3282, ext. 7644
Middle School Coordinator
Marlanna Wolosin
Lead Teacher of the Deaf & Hard of Hearing