Accounts Payable
The Accounts Payable Department is responsible for collecting information, pre-auditing data and collecting payment documents for goods and services. This department operates under Board policies requiring proper requisitioning and encumbering of funds along with receipt and payment procedures.
A Direct Pay Request Form may be used for payment of items such as dues, subscription renewals, and utilities.
A Purchase Order must be issued and received before a purchase can be made and any and all purchases will be paid from the Purchase Order.
Invoices due for payment should be submitted to the Accounts Payable Department immediately upon receipt and all requests for payment must be received in the Accounts Payable Department at least 7 days before payment is required.
Requests for travel reimbursement must include the following information:
- Travel & Expense Form
- Per Diem Rate Sheet
- Completed Travel Checklist Form
- Trip/Conference Request with Approval Signature and/or Board Approval