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Bid/RFP Information


Current Bid Solicitations 2024-2025

Current Awarded BID/RFPS 2024-2025

Board Policy of the Wilson County School District mandates that all products or services exceeding $50,000 be bid out to the general public. The school district maintains a “Bid List” containing vendors who would like to receive Bid/RFP packets when issued. An email must be sent to Brittany Bills at requesting to be placed on the Bid List and showing the company name, address, phone number, and product or service available. When a Bid/RFP is issued on the product or service specified, the company will receive information via mail or email on how to access the current Bid Solicitation. All Bids/RFPs will also be advertised in the Wilson Post newspaper.

Below you will find two sections of Bid/RFP Solicitations. 

  • Current includes all solicitations for which we are actively accepting Bids.  
  • Awarded includes all solicitations that have been closed, who was awarded the bid, and the bid summary.

Please check back often for updates.
