Federal Programs
ESSER Plan Overview
In response to COVID-19, and its potential impact on student learning, the American Rescue Plan Act (ARP) was signed into law by the federal government on March 11, 2021 and provided nearly $122 billion for Elementary and Secondary School Relief Fund (ESSER) for schools across the nation.
Tennessee is set to receive approximately $20-30 billion in federal funding through the American Rescue Plan, with more than $3.3 billion dedicated to K-12 and higher education. Given the significant student needs during the pandemic and through the recovery, Tennessee has the opportunity to address those needs and also invest in a strong, durable recovery for student instructional time and learning.
Wilson County Schools is applying to receive approximately 12.5 million dollars of ESSER 3.0 funds to address unfinished learning and COVID-19 recovery. Federal guidance states that all funds must be spent in the prevention, preparation, and response to COVID-19. These funds are designated for one-time or short-term expenditures to address the ongoing impact of the pandemic. There is also a federal requirement that at least 20% of these funds (2.5 million) must target learning loss due to school closures.
Check back here for more information and updates as they become available.
Additional Resources:
US Department of Education Office of Elementary & Secondary Education
ESSER 3.0 Documents
Overall plan for ESSER expenditures submitted to the Tennessee Department of Education.
ESSER Federal Relief Spending Plan (English)
- Spending Plan Addendum #1 (English)
- Spending Plan Addendum #2 (English)
- Spending Plan Addendum #3 (English)
- Spending Plan Addendum #4 (English)
ESSER Federal Relief Spending Plan (Spanish)
- Spending Plan Addendum #2 (Spanish)
- Spending Plan Addendum #3 (Spanish)
- Spending Plan Addendum #4 (Spanish)
ESSER Federal Relief Spending Plan (Arabic)
- Spending Plan Addendum #2 (Arabic)
- Spending Plan Addendum #3 (Arabic)
- Spending Plan Addendum #4 (Arabic)
ESSER Health and Safety Plan
The ESSER Health and Safety Plan describes the safe return to in-person instruction and continuity of services.
WCS ESSER Health and Safety Plan (English)
- Health and Safety Addendum #1 (English)
- Health and Safety Addendum #2 (English)
- Health and Safety Addendum #3 (English)
- Health and Safety Addendum #4 (English)
WCS ESSER Health and Safety Plan (Spanish)
- Health and Safety Addendum #2 (Spanish)
- Health and Safety Addendum #3 (Spanish)
- Health and Safety Addendum #4 (Spanish)
WCS ESSER Health and Safety Plan (Arabic)
- Health and Safety Addendum #2 (Arabic)
- Health and Safety Addendum #3 (Arabic)
- Health and Safety Addendum #4 (Arabic)
ESSER 3.0 Needs Assessment
WCS ESSER 3.0 Needs Assessment (English)
WCS ESSER 3.0 Needs Assessment (Spanish)
WCS ESSER 3.0 Needs Assessment (Arabic)
ESSER Community Engagement Checklist
WCS ESSER Community Engagement Checklist (English)
ESSER Survey Results
Title Programs
Title I
Title I is the largest federal assistance program for our nation’s schools. The goal of Title I is a high quality education for every child. The program provides extra academic assistance to students who need it most. All Title I teachers and paraprofessionals meet the state’s rigorous standards for licensure/qualification. Parents may request information about the qualifications of teachers and paraprofessionals who instruct their child.
The Every Student Succeeds Act authorizes a Title I school to develop a school-wide program when the free and reduced lunch percentage reaches 40%. A school-wide program allows the school to consolidate federal funds to strengthen the core academic program. An eligible school must first develop a plan that describes how the school will implement the required components and describe how the school will use its resources. All six Title I schools qualify for and operate as school-wide programs.
The following Wilson County schools currently receive Title I funds:
Carroll-Oakland Elementary
Elzie D. Patton Elementary
Southside Elementary
Tuckers Crossroads Elementary
W.A. Wright Elementary
Watertown Elementary
The Title I Program does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, handicap or age.
For more information on the Title I Program contact:
Christine Miller
Federal Programs Supervisor
615-444-3282 ext. 7408
Components of a Title I School
- Opportunities for ALL Students - This includes opportunities for all children, including each of the subgroups (ED, major racial & ethnic groups, SWDs and ELs) to meet challenging state academic standards.
- Strengthening Academics - The school’s methods and instructional practices that strengthen the academic program.
- Quality Learning - Strategies to increase the amount and quality of learning time both for core instruction and intervention.
- Well-Rounded Education - How the school provides enriched and accelerated curriculum to ensure that students have access to a well-rounded education.
- At-Risk Students - How the school addresses the needs of all children in the school, particularly the needs of those at risk of not meeting the challenging state academic standards.
Notice to Parents
The EVERY STUDENT SUCCEEDS EDUCATION ACT (ESSA Title I, Part A, §1111(h)(6)(A) and (h)(6)(B)(ii)), has strong provisions that support parents’ right-to-know.
Title I of ESSA requires local educational agencies to notify parents of their right to request information regarding the professional qualifications of the student’s classroom teacher and any paraprofessional providing support to the child.
This notice is hereby given to comply with the ESSA Act. If any parent has a question regarding the above, they may contact one of the following:
Christine Miller
Federal Programs Supervisor
615-444-3282, ext. 7408
Dr. Rebecca Owens
Deputy Director of Human Resources
Parent Resources
Title IA & IC
Title IA: Neglected
Districts must reserve such funds as are necessary to provide services comparable to those provided to children participating in Title I, A programs for children living in local institutions for neglected children. Included in the district’s allocation of Title I, A funds are funds generated by the number of children living in institutions for neglected children and youth.
Title IC: Migrant Education Program
The primary goal of the Migrant Education Program is to ensure that all migrant students reach challenging academic standards AND graduate with a high school diploma that prepares them for responsible citizenship, further learning and productive employment. The Migrant Education Program provides formula grants to districts to establish or improve education programs for migrant children. These grants to assist districts in improving educational opportunities for migrant children to help them succeed in the regular school program, meet the challenging state academic content and student academic achievement standards that all children are expected to meet, and graduate from high school.
Title II
The purpose of the Title II program is to increase academic achievement of all students by helping schools and districts improve teacher and principal quality and ensure that all teachers are highly qualified. Title II, Part A funds must be utilized for providing scientifically research based methods for teachers and principals when planning for professional development.
Title III
English Language Acquisition, Language Enhancement and Academic Achievement
The purpose of Title III, Part A, is to help ensure that children and youth who are limited English proficient, Native American and/or immigrants, attain English language proficiency, develop high levels of academic attainment in English, and meet the same challenging state academic standards that all children are expected to meet. Funds are directed to states and eligible local districts or consortia through a formula grant allocation.
Title IV
Part A Student Support and Academic Enrichment
Student Support and Academic Enrichment (SSAE) program is intended to help meet these goals by increasing the capacity of State educational agencies (SEAs), local educational agencies (LEAs), schools, and local communities to: 1) provide all students with access to a well-rounded education, 2) improve school conditions for student learning, and 3) improve the use of technology in order to improve the academic achievement and digital literacy of all students.
Title IX
Education for Homeless Children and Youth Program
The Education for Homeless Children and Youth (EHCY) program, authorized under the Title VII-B of the McKinney-Vento Act, was reauthorized in Dec. 2015 by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). The McKinney-Vento Act is designed to address the challenges that homeless children and youths have faced in enrolling, attending, and succeeding in school with a strong emphasis on the importance of school stability for homeless children and youths. Changing schools multiple times significantly impedes a student’s academic and social growth. Therefore, the McKinney-Vento Act calls for school districts to maintain students in their school of origin to promote school stability and greater educational outcomes overall, unless it is not in the student’s best interest. For more information, visit the McKinney-Vento/Homeless Assistance page.
Amy Gullion
Elementary Supervisor
Title Programs
Christine Miller
Federal Programs Supervisor
615-444-3282 ext. 7408